the existence of an assured capability for immediate response to
rinderpest outbreaks whether this be through using national resources or
by preparedness to request rapidly assistance from international
resources such as EMPRES
disclosure and elimination of all foci of disease
all prophylactic vaccination against rinderpest two years after the
disappearance of the clinical disease
the development of national disease surveillance systems capable of
recognising the presence of rinderpest through the rapid detection of
rinderpest outbreaks at a clinical level and a national laboratory
investigation service capable of undertaking the differential diagnosis
of rinderpest and rinderpest-like diseases
the existence of a national reporting system, through which information
on outbreaks of all OIE list A diseases moves from livestock owner to
the head of the State Animal Health Service and thence to the relevant
international authority;
the livestock owner-veterinary services interface to the point where the
risk of under-reporting is no longer significant;
maintenance of appropriate inter-country sanitary cordons until such
time as there is regional concurrence that neighbouring countries no
longer pose a risk of reinfection;
promotion of regionally-oriented training systems in support of disease
recognition, disease diagnosis, disease reporting and the promotion of
self-help disease alleviation measures at village level;
promotion of a policy of regional co-operation as a means of combatting
all OIE list A diseases.